In the online closing ceremony. Dr. Gita Subrahmanyam, International Education Expert of Research and Consultancy, delivered a closing keynote presentation entitled “Transformations to adapt to global disruptions.”
Dr Gita’s closing keynote summarized and emphasized the vision, mission, and future projections of ICET with references to ICET 2021 presentations.
She summarised some of the key findings of the UNESCO-UNEVOC Trends Mapping Study on the Future of TVET Teaching to offer insights on what skills will be most demanded over the next 10 years as well as the impacts of these shifts on the future of teaching and learning.
Dr Gita Subrahmanyam combines an academic role at various University of London institutions with international development research and consultancy in the fields of education and employment. In 2020, she conducted the UNESCO-UNEVOC Trends Mapping Study on the Future of TVET Teaching, which examined the implications of global disruptions on the future of teaching and learning (focusing mainly on technical and vocational education and training, or TVET), with recommendations for steps that education and training systems should take to prepare teaching staff to deliver the skills learners need in the 21st century and beyond. Dr Subrahmanyam will present some of these findings at ICET 2021.
We would like to thank Dr Gita for her mind opening presentation which proposes solutions in transformations in the region to adapt to global disruptions.