ICET LONDON 2023 - Speaker/Contributor Registration Form

ICET LONDON 2023 - Speaker/Contributor Registration Form
Please provide brief biographical information about yourself.

Please choose the category for your contribution to ICET London 2023.

Please provide an abstract for your presentation (100-150 words)

Please provide 5 keywords.

Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
Please upload a quality headshot photo of yours.

I accept the following terms, and on submitting the abstract and presentation for the publication to ICET Conference; I confirm, acknowledge, and agree expressly to the terms and conditions of this terms agreement. This copyright agreement prevails and is binding to the contributing author(s). The agreement covers the following terms and conditions:

ICET Organizing Committee shall be able to use
● the abstract
● presenter’s photo
● presenter’s name and title
● conference video recordings
for development and marketing purposes under the name and branding of ICET.

Thank you for your interest

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