Prof. Dr. Afrah Aldabagh
Academic Professor
College of Education
A Short Bio: PROFILE My name is Afrah Yaseen Aldabagh.. I have been teaching for several years and was chosen at many chair positions and as a member throughout a lot of scientific and educational committees’ such as head of development of curriculums committee, head of quality assurance unit, member of scientific promotions committee, member of scientific title afford committee and last but not least head of the committee that is discriminating gifted students to be accepted at special schools ..
CONTACT PHONE: +9647504649864
DR.AFRAH ALDABAGH Academic Professor
*general Specialization in the methodology of sciences /biology..
*specific Specialization in educational sciences / educational technology ..
1- Teaching experience .. have been teaching more than 30 subjects for under and postgraduate students. For 33 years since 1986 ..
2- Activity participation .. have participated in more than 22 conference and workshop as an attendant and a participant .
3- Debated more than 67 thesis’s of master and doctoral degrees .
4- Supervised more than 14 students pf masters and doctoral degrees
5- Researches published in magazines that was scientific with impact factor .. 26 published researches & 8 researches under processing
6- Authorizing a number if scientific books specifically in the field of methodology & educational technology ..
1-Educational expert at E-learning center.
2- chairman of continuous education unit at the presidency of salahaddin university.
3-dean officer by proxy multiple times at college of education .
4- Head of special education department as a last position.
5- teacher at special education department .
Seminar Title: التعليم عن بعد واثاره التربوية (الايجابية والسلبية) في ضل جائحة كورونا لفئات التربية الخاصة في مركز محافظة اربيل
Abstract: |
هناك اثار تربويه سلبيه عديده للتعليم عن بعد بالنسبه للتدريس لفئات التربيه الخاصه من ذوي الاحتياجات كاطفال التوحد والاعاقات العقليه والسمعيه والبصريه والحركيه وكذلك ذوي اضطرابات التخاطب والنطق وفئة الموهوبين لكونهم يحتاجون الى التدريس المباشر كاستراتيجيات وبرامج تعليم علاجي لتنمية مهاراتهم وتعديل السلوك لديهم. لذا فمن المؤكد بأن هناك اثار سلبيه عديده على تدريس هذه الفئات ومطلوب منا ان نتعرف على ابرز تلك الاثار التربويه السلبيه عند استخدام تلك التقنيات في التدريس كالتعلم الكتروني وعلى وجه الخصوص التعلم المدمج والصف المعكوس ( المقلوب) ونحاول ان نستنتج اهم الايجابيات من جراء التدريس بهذه التقنيات لعله يؤدي بنتائج تفيد تلك الفئات في ظل جائحة كورونا. |