Dr.Ahmed Chalak Shakir
University of Kirkuk *
College of Computer Science and Information Technology/ University of Kirkuk
A Short Bio / زانیاری کەسیی / سيرة ذاتية قصيرة
I received PhD in Computer Engineering from the Harbin Institute of Technology, China, in 2013.
Between 2013 and 2016, I was head of the Computer Science department at the College of Science at the University of Kirkuk.
Between 2016 and 2019 I was Vice-dean of scientific affairs in the same college. I’m currently dean of the College of Computer Science and Information Technology.
My research interest is in network security especially blockchain technology.
Cat: 21st Century Skills / تواناكانی سەدەی 21 / مهارات القرن الحادي والعشرين
Abstract / پوختە / الملخص
والعاب الفيديو وغيرها وهو ما يدفعنا باتجاه التفكير في ايجاد وسيلة لاستغلال هذا العالم بحيث يستفاد منها الطفل على اوسع نطاق. وهذا مايدفعنا لتعليمهم بجزء لايتجزا من حياتهم الخفية وهي (البرمجة)، وحالها حال الرياضيات والكيمياء والفيزياء. ولعل المتغير الأكبر في حياتنا الان والذي لايشبه الى حد كبير عصر اباءنا واجدادنا هو العلوم التي يفرزها كل عصر، والتي يجب علينا مواكبتها وتعليمها لاطفالنا ليصبحوا قادرين على العيش في مستقبل يدخل في بناءه البرمجة.
Digital technology is considered an important part of children lives. Our kids dive in the virtual world via internet , smart phone, computers , video games and others. This lets us to think and find new ways to exploit this virtual world such that it can benefit our children. In addition to that, and beside mathematics, physics, and chemistry, teaching our children programming is a must. The greatest variable of our life, which is not similar to the time of our ancestors, is the science that is in continuous development which we have to follow and teach it to our kids to become able to live and survive in a future in which programming plays a great role.