Dr. Ahmed Chalak Shakir
University of Kirkuk/ College of Computer Science and Information Technology
A Short Bio / زانیاری کەسیی / سيرة ذاتية قصيرة :
Ahmed Chalak Shakir received his B.Sc. in computer and software engineering in 2001, his high diploma in software engineering in 2002, his master in computer science in 2007, and the Ph.D. degree in computer engineering from the Harbin Institute of Technology (China) in 2013. Shakir has been a faculty member in the department of computer in the college of science, University of Kirkuk since 2003 and took many positions including: head of Computer Science department and Vice-dean of scientific affairs. He is currently assistant professor and dean of college of computer science and information technology, University of Kirkuk. He manages and conducts research projects on the information security especially on blockchain technology and its applications. He also a practitioner trainer in the Canada Global Consulting and Training Centre since 2015.
Category / پۆلێن / الفئة :
Digital Literacy & Technology Education / خوێندەواری دیجیتاڵی و پەروەردەی تەکنەلۆژیی / محو الأمِّيَّة الرَّقميَّة والتَّعليم التَّكنولوجي
Seminar Title / ناونیشانی بابەت / عنوان الندوة :
Unleashing the Power of Z and Alpha Generations
Abstract / پوختە / الملخص :
It is clear that time is running and our classical life has changed a lot. The educational system must parallel and keep up with this new technological era. Otherwise, the value of education will decline and be unbeneficial; the education system will collapse. Currently, the main challenge is how to overcome this change. Survival mustn’t be for the strongest and smartest but for those most adapted to this change. This adaptation in an era in which society had accustomed to many things for decades becomes very difficult. It requires hard work together with all segments of society. However, the most difficult part falls on educational institutions because they will determine the right direction. Otherwise, the future of education is ominous.
Keywords / وشە سەرەکیەکان / الكلمات المفتاحية :
educational system, z and alpha generations