Dr. Alan Hama Saeed Salih
Minister of Education of KRG
A Short Bio / زانیاری کەسیی / سيرة ذاتية قصيرة
Qualifications and education: PhD in Politics, Sulaymaniyah University Master’s Degree in Politics Bachelor’s Degree in Politics, Salahaddin University – Erbil
Work Experience and Responsibilities: Head of the Academic Central Committee of the KDP’s 4TH Member of the Sulaimaniyah – Halabja KDP Leadership Council and Head of Organize (Rekkhesten) Office. Head of the KDP’s 21st Branch (Current). Decision Maker and Lecturer at the College of International Relations and Diplomacy, Lebanese French University, in 2014. Lecturer at the College of Law, Halabja University (Current).