Mrs.Kim Insley
University of London *
Teacher Educator
A Short Bio / زانیاری کەسیی / سيرة ذاتية قصيرة
Kim is an Associate Professor (Teaching) and Programme Director of the PGCE Teacher Development presented by Institute of Education (UCL) staff through the University of London. IOE is number 1 in the world for research in education for the ninth year running, and Kim and colleagues bring to their teaching this rich research. Kim is particularly interested in international teacher education and keen to support teaching in other countries. Her doctoral studies are in this area. She has worked as a primary school teacher in UK before teaching on initial and continuing teacher education programmes, including PGCEs and MAs.
Category / پۆلێن / الفئة :
Teacher Professional Development / گەشەسەندنی پیشەیی مامۆستا/ التطوير المهني للمعلم
Seminar Title / ناونیشانی بابەت / عنوان الندوة
Effective teacher professional development: is there such a thing?
Abstract / پوختە / الملخص
Good and effective initial teacher training is enough to licence teachers in many countries, so why should we continue to undertake teacher professional development? In this presentation the research which identifies effective professional development is considered and analysed through the lens of experiences working in international teacher education both in person and virtually. Some of the challenges teachers experience in their classroom practices are shared, and the presentation looks at how both teachers and teacher educators value opportunities to develop curriculum, pedagogy and assessment practices in the classroom. This development it is suggested from both the research and experiences is as a result of a change in mindset, as well as an ability to challenge limited expectations of key stakeholders. The presentation will include examples of how this can be achieved from the PGCE Teacher Development programme which includes formative and summative assessment practices, including the use of a Portfolio to enhance teachers’ reflective practice.
Keywords / وشە سەرەکیەکان / الكلمات المفتاحية
Professional development, change, mindset, classroom practice, reflection, portfolio