Free Registration for Schools 2021 – EN

Welcome to the ICET School Registration Page

As a participating school, you are recommended to announce these two days as Continuing Professional Development days in your school and encourage as many teachers as possible to attend the conference.

ICET Organizing Committee will issue a special print certificate of appreciation for your school. Besides, the schools nominated as “Participating Schools” will be able to ask to print certificates of attendance for their teachers free of charge.

ICET certificates of attendance are issued digitally for individual participants.

Besides, the schools nominated as “Participating Schools” are also mentioned on the ICET website for their reference.

“Participating Schools” are also mentioned on the ICET website for their reference.

Should you be interested in participating in ICET as a “Participating School”, please kindly complete the form below.

Important Note: Please note that your teachers must still register for the conference individually from


Registration is closed

4000 + Participants

1500 + Institutions

65 + Countries

300 + Cities

230 + Participating Schools